Tiu ĉi kromprogramo ne estis testita en la 3 lastaj gravaj eldonoj de WordPress. Eble ĝi ne plu estas prizorgata kaj ĝi eble havus kongruajn problemojn en novaj versioj de WordPress.

Simplicy post view


Simplicy post view

is a widget that displays one or more items to your sidebar with several options:

-Select an item or category

-The item number is displayed (if a category is selected)

-Display of the title and customize size
-Display of the excerpt or not

-Character limit in the extract (if the option Show the extract is checked)

-Display of miniature or not

-Dimensions of the miniature in order to fit your theme (if the option Show thumbnails is checked)


Easily add items to your pages and post through shortcode


  • French fr_FR
  • English – en_EN
  • Spanish – es_ES (Thanks to Andrew Kurtis http://www.webhostinghub.com)


  • screenshot-1.png

  • screenshot-2.png

  • screenshot-3.png


Extract the zip file and just drop the contents into the folder wp-content/plugins / directory of your WordPress installation and activate the plugin from the Plugins page.

Using the shortcode Tools —> Simplicy post view

A single column in the center

[spw title="Your Title" position="center" collum_width="300" cat="1" numberpost="4" meta="no" excerpt="30" image_width="300" image_height="200"]

Two columns

[spw title="Your Title" position="left" collum_width="250" cat="1" numberpost="4" meta="yes" excerpt="30" image_width="250" image_height="190"]

[spw title="Your Title" position="left" collum_width="250" margin_left="30" cat="1" numberpost="4" meta="yes" excerpt="30" image_width="250" image_height="190"]

Four columns and two up two down

[spw title="Your Title" position="left" collum_width="250" cat="1" numberpost="4" meta="yes" excerpt="30" image_width="250" image_height="190"]

[spw title="Your Title" position="left" collum_width="250" margin_left="30" cat="1" numberpost="4" meta="yes" excerpt="30" image_width="250" image_height="190"]


[spw title="Your Title" position="left" collum_width="250" cat="1" numberpost="4" meta="yes" excerpt="30" image_width="250" image_height="190"]

[spw title="Your Title" position="left" collum_width="250" margin_left="30" cat="1" numberpost="4" meta="yes" excerpt="30" image_width="250" image_height="190"]


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Kontribuantoj k. programistoj

“Simplicy post view” estas liberkoda programo. La sekvaj homoj kontribuis al la kromprogramo.


Traduki “Simplicy post view” en vian lingvon.

Ĉu interesita en programado?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


Version 1.0 (21/05/2011)

= Version 1.1 (27/06/2011) =

Version 1.2 (28/10/2011) = Fixed minor bugs and add css style sheet=
Version 1.3 (18/11/2011) = Fixed minor bugs
Version 1.4 (3/12/2011) = Fixed bugs Excerpt
Version 1.5 (16/12/2011) = adding option Select all category
Version 1.6 (11/01/2012) = Fixed bugs excerpt

Version 1.7 (19/01/2012) = = change function excerpt

Version 1.8 (5/03/2012) = change function URL attachement image post

Version 1.9 (5/03/2012) = change function excerpt add html tag

Version 1.9.1 (27/09/2012) = adding news function
Version 2.0 (27/09/2012) = adding shortcodes
Version 2.1 (19/08/2016) = Fixed bugs WordPress 4.6