Tiu ĉi kromprogramo ne estis testita en la 3 lastaj gravaj eldonoj de WordPress. Eble ĝi ne plu estas prizorgata kaj ĝi eble havus kongruajn problemojn en novaj versioj de WordPress.

Mhshohel Faq


Simple jquery accordian plugin with custom post.

You can call faqs in wordpress post or page via shortcode.

For simply call all faqs, use [mhshohel_faq]

Call faq from categories, use [mhshohel_faq category=”category id”] use category ID

Call faq by order, use [mhshohel_faq order=”DESC”] DESC or ASC

Faq limit, use [mhshohel_faq limit=”20″] use numaric.

All Together, use [mhshohel_faq limit=”20″ category=”category id” order=”DESC” ]


  • Add Faqs Screenshort


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload mhshohel-faq to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place place shortcode in wordpress post or page, shortcode details in documentation link, when you installed this plugin, than you get a link into wordpress admin panel.


can is use this via shortcode?

yes, you can use this with shortcode

can i advance controll this plugin?

yes, you can controll it in setting section.


Septembro 3, 2016 1 reply
Couldn’t get it to work in Wordpress 4.3.1. Wish I could get my 30 min back.
Legi ĉiujn 3 pritaksojn

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  • Fixed some bug, added plugin activation value


  • ducumetation code updated


  • initial release