Tiu ĉi kromprogramo ne estis testita en la 3 lastaj gravaj eldonoj de WordPress. Eble ĝi ne plu estas prizorgata kaj ĝi eble havus kongruajn problemojn en novaj versioj de WordPress.

Advanced Spoiler


New version of Ajax Spoiler plugin renamed to ‘Advanced Spoiler’.

Show or hide contents(text, image etc.) with animated effects wrapped by spoiler markup tag([spoiler][/spoiler]).

  • Animate effects: appear, blind, slide, apblind(appear + blind), phase, simple(no animate)
  • Supports TinyMCE button and quicktags button
  • Provides option page for default effect, show text, hide text, animate speed, nested spoilers.
  • Supports ‘Simple Mode’: no aniated effects and just simple javascript.

Included Translations

  • Korean translation by me 😉
  • Russian translation by FatCow – Thanks!


Enclose any paragraphs or passages with [spoiler] and [/spoiler]


  • simple: [spoiler] spoiler content... [/spoiler]
  • options: [spoiler effect="blind" show="Show me" hide="Hide me"] spoiler content... [/spoiler]


  • TinyMCE button
  • Quicktags button
  • Option page
  • Before click
  • After click


  1. Upload advanced-spoiler folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload advanced-spoiler folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


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Kontribuantoj k. programistoj

“Advanced Spoiler” estas liberkoda programo. La sekvaj homoj kontribuis al la kromprogramo.


Traduki “Advanced Spoiler” en vian lingvon.

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